Too often these days games can be far from a finished product when they ship and usually a day 1 patch can fix most issues. In some cases it can take days or even weeks before the game becomes what developers hoped for.
The SGO Team decided it would be a good time to revisit some of these titles and review them well into their life cycle and see if they hold up the test of time and still prove to be worth a buy.
The criteria we judge these games by are as follows:
• Content
• Graphics
• Gameplay
• Fun Factor
• Longevity
There has been much controversy recently over game reviews using a point system or not. We feel that a 5 point system will not hinder our efforts and that gamers are mature enough to read the entire review and not just skip down to the score.
We will be doing Mid-Year reviews of all the major sports titles that are currently available. We have not received any review copies of these games from the developers and our judgement is solely based from a consumer/end user point of view. All games will be reviewed on Next Gen consoles.