It has been more than a decade since gamers had the privilege of enjoying a choice between more than one NFL licensed console game. Visual Concepts ESPN NFL 2K5 was that game which turned the sports gaming world upside down. Not only was it a superior product to EA’s Madden to many people, it was was also offered at a much lower price point ($19.99 in the U.S.). That year, EA went aggressively after an exclusive deal with the NFL, ensuring such a thing would not happen again and struck just that. Although EA announced it had signed another exclusive deal with the NFL following the 2014 season, it was unclear what the terms for the deal were and the most common phrase thrown around was “a couple of years”.
Fast forward to 2015 and continuing rumors of a “Joe Montana Football 16” game are emerging. Many little tidbits of information are surfacing but with a planned release of “sometime in July” we have yet to see concrete evidence of this actually being a reality.
What we do know is that there is indeed some kind of football game involving San Francisco 49ers legend Joe Montana in the works. Scouring Twitter and the internet, there are continuing to be nuggets thrown out about the game including pictures and videos of Mo-Cap sessions and possible player models. Then there was this message posted by someone named “MisterFootballSF” which implies there is a more going on that we don’t know about. It is a well written post with good information but only time will tell if any of it is true. Will Joe Montana Football 16 be a next gen title? Will it be available on PC? Will it be a Microsoft exclusive? Will the game feature licensed teams and players?
So many unanswered questions leave us speculating and with the game supposedly only a few short months away and ZERO actual gameplay footage being released, many things regarding this game are still unclear.
What are you guys’ thoughts on all these rumors and speculations?Would you play another game aside from Madden after all these years? As always, comment below and let us know what you think.