SIE San Diego Studio has continued its promise with its latest MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.08. The latest patch makes several improvements to online gameplay and stability.
MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.08
Online Gameplay and Stability
- Fixed a number of issues that could result in a soft hang during and online game. Includes pickoffs, throws to unoccupied bases, and pitches in the dirt.
- In addition, adjustments were made to eliminate an occasional pitch that would cause the ball to change direction in midflight, resulting in strikes being called balls, and vice versa.
- Fixed an exploit in Challenge of the Week that was allowing users to record extremely high scores.
- Swing analysis will no longer show your opponent’s plate coverage indicator when you are pitching.
- Fixed an issue where “Team Epic” Mission stats and wins would not track after completing a “Play with Friends” game, then entering into a “Play vs. CPU” game.
- Corrected minor issues with various Universal Profile achievements.
- Addressed issues with Universal Profile name plates and icons.
- Various other minor bug fixes and adjustments made throughout the game.
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It has fixed the online as well