With less than a month until the game’s launch, Sony San Diego Studios dropped a bombshell when it announced that MLB The Show 18 won’t feature an online franchise mode.
It marks the first time in a decade that the series won’t feature some sort of online league or franchise mode for players.
“For the online areas of the game, we spent this year focusing on our technology,” the team said in a post on The Show Nation. “We knew we had to prioritize the stability and speed of our online infrastructure for MLB The Show 18.
“As such, Online Franchise mode didn’t make the cut this year. This was not an easy decision to make and we understand some of you will be disappointed with this change, but we believe focusing on continuing to improve our online performance was the right priority for The Show 18. With the major technology change this year it wasn’t possible to just leave in the previous mode without alteration.”
From understanding to anger, it was unexpected news that invoked no shortage of emotion from a no doubt shocked fan base.
But while some were claiming it was simply a money grab by SDS to get more to play Diamond Dynasty and spend more money, that just isn’t the case at all. In reality, it’s the team’s commitment to providing the best experience possible that led to the mode’s removal from MLB The Show 18.
According to a source, tentative plans are in place to rebuild the mode from the ground up in time for The Show 19.
“They don’t want to alienate the fans of the mode, but they also didn’t want to risk putting out something that’s completely broken,” the source said. “As long as the online gameplay performance changes are a success, fans should expect an even deeper mode than before to make a return in 2019.”
It may not be a good enough answer for some of the community upset about Online Franchise’s absence this year, but knowing that the mode is going to return has to provide some solace for fans.
MLB The Show 18 launches on March 27 for PlayStation 4.
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