Sony San Diego Studio (SDS) released details on new features and improvements for Road to The Show (RTTS) mode in MLB The Show 19, which drops for Playstation 4 on March 26. Each Thursday leading up to the game’s release, SDS developers and designers will live stream on Twitch from the game’s studio. Today’s video was an in-depth look at improvements for Road to the Show (RTTS). Here’s a full breakdown of the news from today’s broadcast.
MLB The Show 19 RTTS Improvements
The all-new player bedroom is a refreshing way to begin each journey in Road to The Show. You’ll start inside a childhood bedroom, where dreams of becoming a big league player first begin. Here, you’ll select your country of origin, name, number, handedness, archetype and personality type. From there, you can edit appearance, animations and equipment before heading to your first Spring Training.
The SDS devs also took a deeper look at perks in RTTS. The perk system is now not only based on performance (practice, drills, mini games, real games) but is also based on player relationships and interactions. Being disliked in the clubhouse will not lead to a fruitful perks tree, as many of the perk upgrades require a certain amount of friends on the team. This, in some ways, is similar to the fans system in NBA 2k’s MyCareer. Choosing different personality types can help limit the need to build player relationships in RTTS, but the perks themselves will be less consistently triggered.
New Legends Revealed
Andruw Jones and Walter Johnson are two brand new legends found in MLB The Show 19. Jones is a five-tool outfielder who has been on many Diamond Dynasty players’ wishlists for quite some time. Johnson is a flamethrowing starting pitcher. Below is a look at Johnson in action.
Four Pre-Order Diamonds Revealed
All who pre-order MLB The Show 19 will choose one of 30 legend diamond cards to start Diamond Dynasty. Four of those options were revealed on today’s stream: Roy Oswalt, Tom Seaver, Frank Thomas and Stan Musial. Here’s a look at the card art for all four.
MLB The Show 19 News Schedule
In addition to today’s video, SDS has released an upcoming broadcast schedule for all future MLB The Show 19 news. The next news day is Monday, when SDS will release a short video with Gamestop for another preview of MLB The Show 19. Below is the full schedule.
You can watch Sony San Diego’s Twitch broadcasts, including past streams, here.
What do you think of the improvements for Road to the Show in MLB The Show 19? Do these improvements make up for the lack of online franchise mode? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to subscribe to SGO.
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