NBA 2K17 Offensive Tips: Best Sideline Inbounds Plays

Today I’ll be going over the Top 5 Sideline Inbound Plays in NBA 2K17. Running a good inbounds play is giving yourself another avenue to score points that can give you a leg up on the competition. Here’s our Top 5.

 5. Quick 2 Side 13 3

The play starts with the Shooting Guard running to the corner and you can pass it to him for a scoring chance if he loses his defender, but if he doesn’t you move on to the  Point Guard receiving an elevator door screen running towards the 3pt line, but if the defender is still attached or close enough to where you feel he could bother your shot, a double screen will come to finish the play off where you’ll have the option to drive either way with the ball handler.

4. Quick Side 3 Up 2

There’s 2 versions of this play. The first is the Point Guard will receive a screen running towards the 3-point line, and if the defender is still close to him, each action after this you only pass to them if their open or else it will end the play. The first action is another screen on the opposite side of the court will occur, Then the inbounder will cut to the hoop, then that same guy will receive a down screen for a 3. So, if the guy inbounding the ball is your small forward this play puts him in great scoring position twice, for a drive and a 3. And the 2nd version, both guys closest to the inbounder will flair out, and if you pass to the corner a double screen for your teammate running to the top of the key will happen. And if you pass to the guy at the top of the 3pt line, the inbounder will screen for the guy in the corner, and if you don’t pass it to him another screen for the guy in the other corner will happen.

3. Cut Side 1 Qk 2

To start, the shooting guard will receive a screen running towards the corner, be sure that he’s open thou because the play ends as soon as you give it to him. Next, if you didn’t pass him the ball look for the point guard who will receive an elevator doors screen to get open. Now, if the point guard couldn’t break free, the inbounder will cut to the hoop. and if the defense played him close also, you’ll receive a pick and roll to finish the play off.

2. Quick Side Fade 3

The play begins by giving you 2 options to start the play. You can pass to the shooting guard receiving a double screen as he runs towards the top of the key and if he’s covered the guy in the corner will set a back screen on the inbounders defender as he runs to the corner, just skip this part if your inbounder can’t shoot. And to finish it off, if you still have the ball, a down screen will occur on the other side of the court. And if you begin the play by passing to the guy in the corner, the guy who the play is set up for initially will screen or try his best to get in the way of the inbounders defender as he sprints to the top of the 3pt line.

1. Quick Side Hammer 3

The play starts with the shooting guard receiving a double screen as he runs to the corner, and if he’s somehow still covered, 2 separate screens going the other way will happen. One going to the opposite corner, and the other to the top of the key. Plays that have 2 screens happening at the same time is a favorite of mine and with it being combined with the initial screen for the shooting guard leaves no question why its Sports Gamers Online #1 Inbounds Play in 2K17.

So alright guys hope you learned something and can walk away from it adding something to your 2k game, and stay tuned for more NBA 2K17 content here at SGO.

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