This year’s suite of sports games will be releasing during the cross generation period, a window between generations where games need to release on current-gen consoles to make existing sales, only to be confronted with the task of launching on next-gen consoles as well. The big difference this year? Microsoft and Sony are playing around with the idea of cross-gen games. NBA 2K21 is one of those games, though the delivery is a bit sloppy. Today, 2K dropped the NBA 2K21 next-gen trailer. Finally, footage of NBA 2K21 captured from next-gen consoles. The results? Impressive.
What we’re seeing here looks great. The NBA 2K21 trailer is more impressive than the pictures of next-gen sweat we’ve had to go by for the past few months. I’m impressed, and so are other members of our staff. We got our first look at next-gen sports games in July, when EA released footage of Madden 21 and FIFA 21 during their EA Play event. With NBA 2K21’s footage in the fold, we can start building expectations for what sports games will bring to next-gen consoles.
Side note: What’s up with this trailer music? Is it because Steph Curry has never been so low? The footage looks gorgeous but the vibes are all off. NBA 2K21’s soundtrack already rips, why not feature a banger like CHIKA’s CROWN? Seems like a missed opportunity to promote an artist you’re already featuring.
Looking for more analysis? We’ve got our top man on a full trailer breakdown, which you can watch below. It’s worth watching at least once, just to let the full potential of next-gen wash over you.
NBA 2K21 drops on the Xbox Series S/X globally on November 10. Then, it comes to the PlayStation 5 in the United States on November 12. If you own the NBA 2K21 Mamba Forever edition, you already have your next-gen copy. Otherwise, it’s gonna cost you $69.99.
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