Yesterday we saw a flurry of NBA Live 18 gameplay videos flood the internet. If history tells us anything, we should be very guarded against EA’s umpteeth reboot of the once lauded franchise.
But after watching video after video presented by YouTuber’s invited to a NBA Live event, something strange started to come into focus. Gamers were hyped. Has EA really brought NBA Live back from the dead? From forum comments to YouTube comments – Yes, even YouTube comments – fellow gamers across the internet were praising what they were seeing. Some even warning 2K to take notice.
It seems like most sports gamers want NBA Live 18 to succeed. And this would be a good thing for the industry. Choice and competition breed better games. And this is something that hasn’t really happened in sports games over the last five to ten years. The game looks great from a graphical standpoint – there isn’t much to argue there. But the biggest surprise was the improved animation fidelity. Everything just looked smooth. Transition animations look to be very much improved, along with defense, and rebounding. It also looks like the game will keep its ESPN themed presentation. This has always been seen as a strong point for the franchise.
I am sure EA is very pleased with the community reaction to the release of NBA Live 18 gameplay videos yesterday. Hopefully this September we get a true 2K competitor and NBA Live is back for good.
You will be able to to find out for yourself soon as EA will release a demo for the game in August.
What do you think about the NBA Live 18 videos released yesterday? Let us know in the comment section below. And as always, stay tuned to Sports Gamers Online for the very latest on NBA Live and everything else sports game related.
Can we just have college football back!
They need to bring back MVP Baseball back from the grave.
Sick Graphics