Did you ever think you’d see Danny Trejo trying to sell you DLC? No? Well I didn’t either, but that’s exactly what’s going on in the latest trailer from Chris Le, who is now working on getting his crate collection into the game on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
No, this isn’t a trailer from Valve, despite the appearance of legendary actor and badass Danny Trejo. It’s just a plea from a creator wanting to get his skins in the game and get paid for his work. So how did he get Danny Trejo, then? Surely that must have cost him a pretty penny? Well, as it turns out, he’s also a director who has worked with Trejo in the past and decided to call in a favor.
The trailer itself is for a series of weapons created by Chris Le — or CLeGFX, as he is known on the Steam Workshop — called the Cutthroat Collection. The collection itself is based upon some of his favorite B-movies, according to the Steam Workshop page. It’s not very often that you see celebrities endorsing projects on the Steam Workshop, so kudos to Chris Le for getting Trejo on board. Hopefully the attention will net him a deal with Valve, but if nothing else, it’s safe to say that he’s managed to garner the attention of everyone else.
Considering the amount of attention that I can see coming his way once entertainment and pop culture blogs catch onto the news, I think it’s safe to say that Valve will probably acknowledge him at the very least. The video has to be great advertising for the game as well.
While only two items from the collection have been revealed thus far — a knife and an M4A4 — new designs will be added to the Steam Workshop page every week. What do you think of the designs revealed thus far?