EA Sports UFC 3 game update 1.03 is now available, which adds UFC President Dana White to the roster. The next UFC 3 tuner set that will be released shortly as this is the developers first attempt at addressing feedback from the day 35 patch. Check out the full patch notes below:
Patch Notes
- Tuned takedown and clinch denial stamina logic to make consecutively denied attempts more punishing
- Tuned clinch denial block recovery frames to remove free head kick after clinch denial, while also tuning vulnerability to be high for longer after a clinch denial.
- Make it possible to evade body knees with side lunges
- Reduce AI tendency to throw body kicks.
- Tune the tendency for the AI to successfully block high/low based on the opponents previous strike patterns
- Tune damage logic for close range straights so they don’t lose as much damage landing against someone who is leaning back. This will make it easier to punish someone in close with a straight while they are kneeing you or swaying back for example.
- Added new block animations to give better visual feedback on block breakdown mechanic
- Reduce stamina tax on health events and knock downs
- Reduce evaded strike stamina penalty
- Remove strike specific bonus damage on uppercut following a duck
- Increase recovery time until you can slip after a body jab
- Vulnerability tuning while ducking and side slipping, making the vulnerability higher on ducks, and making vulnerability last longer on side sways.
- Eliminate evasion on body punch combo strikes, so the first punch gets evasion, any follow up combo punches won’t.
- Slow down body jab by 4 frames, slow down body straight by 2 frames
- Reduce counter vulnerability multiplier. Special note on this one. After play testing, we don’t feel we tuned this one back enough. We plan on further reducing it in a future tuner set, but had to release this one as is to meet the deadline.
EA Sports UFC 3 is out now for PS4 and Xbox One. There will be more content added in the coming months so stay tuned for all of the details.