Fresh off of the major announcement that Canelo Alvarez is coming to eSports Boxing Club, Steel City Interactive shared its latest monthly update with fans. In this update, the company goes over some new gameplay features, a new exclusive partnership, and addressed community feedback, Check out the latest on ESBC below.
Gameplay Features
- “Haymakers” have now been implemented into ESBC. Power shots will exist for every punch style. Miss, and you could be severely punished with a counter. Hit, and you could score a KO.
- The Countering System is now in version 2 of testing. This has gone through a major overhaul. It is confirmed that players will be able to counter based on their movement and positioning. Users won’t have to rely on just pushing a button to activate a counter-window.
- AI improvement: This now includes tendencies, strategies and fight styles. This is all based on how the opponent is fighting and any publicized weaknesses in Career Mode. AI also takes the scorecards into account.
- Defense/Offense: Introduced a new Slip System. This feature combines with backfoot combat, the countering system, weave system, and footwork system in an attempt to create the “most advanced boxing game ever created.”
New Exclusive Partnership Integration
The WBO have now joined ESBC‘s exclusive license family. These licenses include:
- 230 licensed boxers, trainers, cutmen, promotions, brands and networks.
- Over 100 World Champions
- More boxers to be announced in 2021/2022 and beyond.
New ESBC Gameplay Trailer
A new gameplay trailer will be released to show the progression in development and new features added. No date on this right now but Steel City will confirm a time “when it’s ready.”