Recently, Floyd Mayweather has been very vocal regarding a new boxing game in development. Now, the speculation has grown as Mayweather Boxing and Fitness released their virtual reality page on the official website. Moreover, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, he released a new VR set that simulates a boxing workout for anyone looking to mimic the fighter’s workout routine.
“Experience the future of fitness with the Mayweather Boxing + Fitness virtual reality program, which provides high intensity cardio and skill-based workouts through a virtual environment you can do in the comfort of your own home,” as claimed on the site.
The entire endeavor looks more like a complete environment of activities, where the competition is one of the three modes that you can use to enjoy the program.
In Las Vegas, Mayweather gave the audience a live demonstration of how the system works, showing how the program is replete with a Mayweather avatar that users will fight against.
“With Floyd as your cornerman, take on different opponents in a VRboxing match for a full body workout,” the presentation says. “Use the punch combos that Floyd taught you to score against your opponent with bob, weave and duck tactics to avoid getting ‘hit’. Through punching, you will receive a strong upper body and cardio workout, while the defense moves of bobbing, weaving and ducking engage your legs and core, giving you a whole-body, intense and super fun workout.”
In the video, Mayweather descibes the possibility for this VR system to “avoid the wear and tear on your body of the real thing.”
At this point, not much more has been released. The VR system should be released later in 2018. You can subscribe to the email newsletter to get notified of any news released by the devs.
The program right now is in its preliminary stages and will only be available first at Mayweather boxing gyms. Eventually, they hope to add another 50 boxing personalities to fight against, other than an iOS app to monitor heart rate, show calories burned and track overall performance.
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i still cant believe that there is still no boxing game for the current gen systems.
No ncaa and a bunch of others either things changed due to licenses etc. Hopefully we can get more bw compatible throwbacks until then