Digital Dream Entertainment is back with the sequel to its action-packed football game, Mutant Football League 2. In the latest newsletter from the developers, we get our first screenshots of the game, with the first gameplay of Mutant Football League 2 coming this November.
“The dev team’s job is to elevate the game, which is early in development, up to the first playable quality,” says the newsletter, “This will serve as our demo up until the end of the year. From this demo, we will be able to create some game videos to show everyone.”
The developer gives us a vertical slice of how development is going with the game in the newsletter. While MFL 2 is still a ways away, Digital Dream Entertainment gave fans the first look at a stadium and two teams, Karcass City Creeps, and the Malice Hellboys. In addition, the team is adding player customization for more “personality and uniqueness in the game.”
Mutant Football League 2 – Behind the Scenes
If the screenshot weren’t enough for fans, there’s a new behind-the-scenes video on the Mutant Football League channel. The video features the voice of in-game commentator Grim Blitzrow, hilariously recording multiple voices for the game. It’s a good video to watch if you want to check out the process behind voice recording for Mutant Football league 2.
Digital Dream Entertainment will continue to update fans leading up to the game’s launch. However, if you’ve never played Mutant Football League before and want to try it, you can get it on Steam for $14.99. The game is also on Nintendo Switch for all you on-the-go gamers.
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