For those anticipating the new Madden story mode, Longshot, EA released a first-hand look at Madden 18 Longshot from concept to completion.
Madden 18 Longshot
It delves into the production of Longshot via an interview with director Mike Young and Producer Robin Cowie. They discuss some of the challenges and highlights of the mode and its creation.
Mike discussed the influences that helped capture the feeling he wanted for Longshot. The movie Good Will Hunting helped inspire the character dynamics. The Assassination of Jesse James influenced the lighting and cinematography. Games such as The Last of Us and Telltale’s The Walking Dead influenced them as well as they tried to build a quality story with meaningful dialog that held real consequences.
With photos of the actors in full motion capture gear and screenshots, we get a glimpse into the production. According to Mike Young, it was four years in the making.
Madden 18 isn’t EA’s only sports game to focus so heavily on a solo, story-driven mode. FIFA 18 will feature The Journey, its own unique story mode.
Keep it here for more on Longshot and the latest info on Madden 18 as it develops.