Here are a few of the questions from our youtube channel that I would like to answer. We are working on getting a developer Q & A Setup so stay tuned. For now you have me and I will answer the best of my ability! Post more questions below or on our youtube for the next Madden 16 Q & A video!
Aka Stotty When is the full game coming out?
The full game will be released on august 25th but EA Access subscribers on Xbox one will be able to play it 5 days earlier on the 20th.
Money Mike Is the stick work better then 15 i like madden but to many change ups tho
The stick control of the defenders felt great, I had a couple of user picks in the bucs game we have up and the offensive player control is improved.
Zachary DuBois Along with if they make gaining experience for your corners more realistic?
Exp has been improved in Connected Franchise Mode and gives your players more chance to earn experience and confidence with drive goals and a improved weekly goals system.
Steven Solano omg does mariota have vick speed like wtf
Yeah he’s totally the new age Vick..dude has wheels.
Antonio Hadley Thanks for the vid!! I was wondering do the contains work the same as Madden 15 i think thats gonna make a big difference in defense if u run blitzes?
Your welcome Antonio, Contain Defenses and logic have been improved to help counter the new rollout and scramble mechanics. Also the QB spy logic has been improved as well to stop running QBs. So yes EA has given us the tools to shutdown all those mobile QBs!
XxBringBackThePastxX is the chain crew back to measure the first down?
No I did not see any chain crews and just like coin toss…I do not miss them.
Caleb Goodfellow For the catching types do you get to choose what kind of catch they do or how does it work?
Yes while the ball is in the air you can switch to the WR and choose between a Possession, RAC or Aggressive catch. If you do not switch to the WR the CPU will pick the most effective one for that situation for you.
Phaderian Peeks The graphics look much better than last year’s to me But I have to ask is the anything new with the way you pass in Madden 16?
The passing has been overhauled to allow for “body relative” throws, which allows players to throw a high jump ball (like on a fade or streak route) or a low throw where only the receiver can make a play on the ball. The new touch pass, when you now double tap receiver icon, allows for you to drop the ball behind linebackers and in front of safeties.
vikingsfan2218 Why does ODB look like a burn victim?
LOL I didn’t think he looked bad at all, but one cool thing MLB the 15 the show did this year was focus on skins tones. Madden seems a little more limited in that aspect, something they can hopefully address in the future.
windycitywarrior71 –So no more random Clipping calls and thats the only call of the game ?
No, penalties have been tuned and they are more realistic now, I actually saw a defensive holding penalty in one of the games and that was a 1st ever for me. In Madden 16 Every player is assigned a Penalty trait based on real-world NFL data, which determines how likely they are to commit a penalty; an undisciplined player has a far greater chance of committing a penalty than a disciplined player. Also your in-game strategy has an impact on penalties as well. For example, pressing cornerbacks are more likely to commit a defensive holding penalty, while goalline and max protect calls make offensive holding penalties more likely.
ANTWAN wiley Will they be any equipment upgrades…like gloves, cleats, and helmets?
I have not heard anything about equipment upgrades as of yet.
franchisejr15 Has the running been tuned? I remember last year and madden 25 felt like you’re driving a car more than running with a running back/WR. Can you control them better and make cuts like you could on 360?
Yes the running and control is improved in Madden 16.
Blake Smart Are we still going to be seeing 90% completion games by third string QBs?
Madden 16 has new QB AI that will make the CPU QBs play more realistically. The top QBs will be much more effective and accurate than the mediocre or poor ones.
Delano Shelton There gonna be a new made kinda like 2k career mode with cut scenes but u play as des Bryant and Tony Romo
No, there are no plans to add a mode like that at this time.
calisav81 Do you know if they added defensive match ups back in??
Defensive matchup are not back in yet but Madden’s Creative developer Rex Dickson confirmed that they are in fact working on it.
Cee Jay Any info on franchise mode n career mode? Those are my favorite. It seems like every year EA only focuses on one mode !
Yes we have two interviews on the channel with the Creative Director of CFM and a breakdown of many of the new features for Connected Franchise Mode..check them out!
Austin Bourgouin When madden 16 comes out, what type of content will you be uploading? Cfm? Mut? Draft champions? Good vid. Keep up the great work!
Everything. We will have games from our connected Franchise leagues, Madden ultimate gameplay and draft champion drafts and games. As well as FREE read that…FREE Madden 16 tips! We want to be your one stop shop for ALL Madden content. You don’t need to go anywhere else but here at SGO.
renzo Reds – How can i be apart of sports gaming online?
Follow us on facebook twitter and subscribe to our youtube below. Make sure you sign up on the forums and join our community. We have leagues, chat, streaming and community sim tournaments. If you want to be a content creator for us send an email to [email protected] with some example of your content and we may be able to work something out.
That’s it Sports Gamers if you have any more Madden 16 questions or questions about myself of SGO post them in the comments and we will get to them in the next video!
like the vids. Do you know if Jim&Phill will finally call the names of cpu generated rookies in #CFM #mypetpeeve #madden16