EA Sports has revealed College Football 25. The game will feature the return of Road to Glory and Team Builder and the all-new CampusIQ, a gameplay-altering tech.
However, the real fan excitement came from the game’s official announcement trailer. The latest CFB trailer garnered a massive positive reaction from gamers and football fans alike; even our SGO staff was impressed.
SGO Reacts to EA Sports College Football 25 Trailer
Last Friday, EA Sports released the newest trailer for its upcoming college football game. The trailer impressed fans and ignited a flame of excitement that will most likely last until the game’s launch.
Our staff here at Sports Gamers Online loved it as well. Here is what we had to say about it.
“I thought it [CFB 25 trailer] was great, showed off the exciting new parts of the game.” – The Natural, Founder of Sports Gamers Online.
“It looked really good. Had a good mix of teams and did a good job of getting people excited. I’m eager to see more info about the actual game.” – Brandon Satterwhite, Editor & MLB The Show Expert.
“You can feel that college football energy and excitement in the trailer alone. It already feels like a different experience from Madden NFL.” – Curtis Russell, Senior Editor.
“For me I put it like this, that last NCAA game was 10 years ago- and while there appears to be A LOT of care and attention to detail in creating that college atmosphere we want from CFB; it’s still made by EA- the same company that has been making the same football [game] for YEARS.” – Kevin Finley, Managing Editor.
You can watch Brandon and The Natural discuss the trailer in more detail on the Sports Gamers Online YouTube channel here.
EA Sports College Football 25 is set to release on July 19th for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
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