This past week, there has been a lot of talk regarding Google’s new gaming project. The project has been given the codename “Yeti,” and it refers to the possible new console or gaming streaming service produced by the software giant Google.
In fact, using the word “console” is somewhat misleading when describing Google’s gaming project and possible new service. The “Yeti” project would actually be a cloud based gaming platform that provides users with a live streaming experience.
There are many different reasons why a company such as Google would be very attracted to the gaming industry as a whole. With eSports growing at an exponential rate and expected to be a roughly $107 billion dollar industry in 2018, the gaming market is fast becoming a “cash cow” so to speak.
The project is still in the early stages of development, but that’s only because it was delayed for a while. It was reported that Google was trying to have the new “Yeti” gaming service ready to roll for the 2017 holiday season, which has obviously passed already. Regardless, the new service would be ideal for the next generation of gamers who don’t want to worry about purchasing new hardware, such as the physical console like a PS4, and who want to have instant access to the games.
The team over at Google isn’t new to the gaming industry as a whole. Several years ago, Google tried to enter the gaming market with an Android based gaming service, but that project fizzled out rather quickly.
Areas that Google has been involved with the gaming industry includes their YouTube Video Gaming live streaming service. YouTube, a Google owned product, is incredibly popular within the gaming community, and it’s used by many of the big gamers to broadcast their games. Of course, the team here at SGO uses YouTube as our platform for bringing you, our fans, the best from around the world of sports gaming.
Whether or not the new “Yeti” project will go anywhere or turn into anything for Google, it’s a certainly a sign that the company is incredibly interested in jumping into the gaming industry. It may be a cloud based streaming service, or perhaps an actual console, but one thing is certain, Google is making a run for the gaming markets.
What would Google’s cloud based service mean for the sports gamer? Perhaps a more interactive experience with more up to the second live data and feedback? We’re not sure, but we’d love to hear your thoughts and comments.
Stay tuned to SGO for all the latest news and developments from around the world of sports gaming.