It has been a rocky few months for Franchise mode in Madden NFL 23. Players have had to deal with countless bugs and issues. Most notable among these were the 31/32 and draft revert bugs, which rendered the mode unplayable. Recent title updates rectified these issues and allowed players to get back to playing the mode. However, a new problem seems to have arrived in the game, preventing some players from accessing their online franchises.
New CFM Error
On Tuesday, several Madden NFL 23 players began reporting issues logging into their online franchises. Following a recent update for the game, players kept running into this error message when trying to access their saved franchises: “Our servers cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience. You have been returned to the Main Menu.”
This error message does not offer much of a reason for this issue. It is also worth noting that not all players are experiencing this issue. Some players can get into their franchises without any complications. Other players can get into some saved files and not others. Whether or not a file is affected appears to be a case-by-case issue. This issue is another example of an awful string of bugs players have had to deal with since Madden NFL 23 launched in August. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved soon, and everyone will be able to get back into their saved files soon.
EA Sports Update
Early Tuesday morning, the Madden NFL Direct Twitter account (@MaddenNFLDirect) sent out the following tweet acknowledging the situation with online franchise modes.
Franchise Mode Updates
We are aware and investigating some Cloud Franchise leagues being unavailable. We are working to get it addressed ASAP.
Updates will be threaded below.
— MaddenNFLDirect (@MaddenNFLDirect) December 13, 2022
There have been no further updates from EA Sports or Madden NFL Direct at this time. However, Sports Gamers Online will update this story as more information becomes available.
Tuesday Night Update
On Tuesday night, Madden NFL Direct put out an update on the situation regarding online franchises.
We've narrowed down the issue impacting some Cloud Franchise leagues being unavailable.
In order to address the issue, it will require server maintenance.
We're currently working on the timing of the server maintenance with our teams and will thread an update below.
— MaddenNFLDirect (@MaddenNFLDirect) December 14, 2022
From this update, it sounds like the team has hopefully figured out what is causing the problem. Hopefully they will be able to arrange a server maintenance soon and all players can get back into their cloud saves. We will continue to update this story with any more developments.
Issue Resolved
It seems that the issue preventing players from accessing their online franchises has been resolved. The Madden NFL Direct Twitter account announced server maintenance early in the morning on December 15th. Following this server maintenance, users are reporting that they are now able to access their online franchises again. This is a huge relief for players who feared that they were going to lose all the time and effort they had put into their online save files.
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As of yesterday Jan 28th I was kicked out of my league after playing a game and have not been allowed to access my league since and neither can my members what can I do