MLB The Show 16 Players Banned for Abusing Exploits

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Ramone Russel recently took to twitter to field questions about why some users were recently banned from PlayStation Network as a result of playing MLB The Show 16. As it turns out, these players were banned for abusing exploits in the game, specifically exploits related to community market transactions.

The lesson here? Don’t abuse exploits, because you will get banned from PlayStation Network if you’re caught.

Russel further expanded upon the issue on the Show Nation forums last Friday, detailing a number of reasons as to why a user can find their PlayStation Network account banned from playing MLB The Show 16. The list is actually pretty long:

If the offense is serious enough, or perhaps if you continue the behavior after the suspension, you can even find your console banned from the network.

“If a player is found cheating, exploiting, harassing other players, or breaking the rules in game or here on The Show Nation forums, we will suspend the account for a limited time or even permanently ban the ID and console.”

As Russel points out, flipping cards in MLB The Show 16 will not get you banned. Exploiting the community market will, however.

Unless you’re blatantly abusing exploits, you should be fine. For most people, this will probably make the game better. For some, it’s a little upsetting.

I used to spend a lot of time glitching in video games, which has included a number of exploits. But there’s a code among those who glitch; we never use these exploits to gain an advantage in a competitive environment or to take advantage of other players.

Considering that this exploit involved the community market, I’m guessing it affected other players. If not, and players somehow discovered a way to make money without affecting other players, should they really be banned? I don’t think so.

It’s more likely to assume that this exploit did affect other players, but without confirmation it’s hard to say. Either way, Sony does rely on Stubs to generate income from the franchise, so it seems like a good move on their part.

What do you think about this move? Is keeping cheaters out of MLB The Show 16 a good thing? Let us know in the comments or on social media.

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