Have you ever wondered to what extent does each badge affect various stats in NBA 2K17? The team at NBA 2K Lab has gone about answering the question in a scientific way and brought their results to us. With the research done, you’ll be able to judge for yourself which badges are worth attaining the most.
Today, we’re going the shooting badges, and the slew of information that comes along with that. NBA 2K Lab has given us a ton of information on the shooting stats alone that could be helpful to your game, and it’s quite possible that they’re not finished adding information.
Firstly, let’s talk about the Corner Specialist Badge. The team took 400 corner shots with Hall of Fame, Gold, Bronze, and no badge for comparison. The results were negligible across the board, but did show that the Hall of Fame badge caused the shooter to sink two out of every three shots, as opposed to three out of every five shots with no badge equipped.
Hall of Fame | 66.75% | 53.5% |
Gold | 63.25 | 41% |
Bronze | 63% | 32.5% |
None | 61.25% | 29.75% |
Next, they took 200 pull shots with each of the Difficult Shots badge using a shot creator with max attributes on the attempts. This badge had a stark contrast between the Hall of Fame badge–which netted the shots 65% of the time–and not having badge–only sinking the pull shot 43% of the time. Each badge had a minimum of 4% difference between each other, making this a solid badge to possess.
Hall of Fame | 65% | 40.5% |
Gold | 61% | 36% |
Bronze | 55.5% | 33% |
None | 43% | 17.5% |
To test the Deadeye Badge, the team created five shooters with a 90 contested 3 pointer rating. They then set up 300 contested 3-point shots per badge level. This one appears to be another solid badge, as it increased the Hall of Fame shooter just shy of one out of three, as opposed to no badge being just over one out of five.
Hall of Fame | 32.67% |
Gold | 29.33% |
Bronze | 25.5% |
None | 22.67% |
Stay tuned for more of our NBA 2K17 Badge Analysis here at Sports Gamers Online and be sure to checkout our friends over at nba2klab.com.