Racers, start your engines. NASCAR 21: Ignition released episode one of their Dev Diary. In it, the team does a deep dive into how NASCAR 21 will deliver the most authentic racing experience yet. Episode one takes a deep dive into the cars and steps taken to revamp the game. Motorsport Games hopes the switch to Unreal Engine gives fans the most realistic feel of driving.
Nascar 21 Dev Diary #1: The Cars
While previous NASCAR games shared different assets with titles from the Thunder series from the mid-2000s, Ignition is building cars from the ground up. Motorsport Games wants the revamp to revitalize the core experience of NASCAR games; the driving. Acceleration, the tightness of the breaks, and other dynamics of race cars are all unique, so Motorsport Games wants to capture all of that.
The team noted, however, there was some difficulty researching all of it. NASCAR teams like to keep their setups a secret. As a result, the team worked directly with NASCAR to get the scoop on setup information to make NASCAR 21: Ignition the most authentic driving experience on the market.
As the player, you will experience the difference of racing on different tracks. You will see and feel how cars running on short tracks, mile & a half, and treaded tires at bristol all provide a unique experience. The game is made with realism in mind.
However, this should not perturb new players. NASCAR 21: Ignition introduces an assist mode called novice. Novice mode allows new players to race with a driver assist, all they have to do is press a button. It functions similarly to NASCAR Heat 5.
No matter if you are a vet or a novice, NASCAR 21: Ignition has an experience for you.
This is the first of a three-episode series. We will deliver the goods as soon as we know it. NASCAR 21: Ignition will release the Champions edition on October 26, 202,1 and the Standard edition releases on October 28, 2021. Let us know down below if you are excited about the new NASCAR title.