PikPok will be celebrating the Biggest Weekend in February with the Biggest Rival Stars College Football Update to date. Since its launch in November of 2016 on mobile platforms, Rival Stars College Football has attracted players on Google Play and the App Store with its vibrant style, competitive tournaments and stat based gameplay.
Rival Stars College Football Big Weekend Update
PikPok’s update brings two new major features: the “Road to Glory” season mode and “Friendly Games” for alliances.
Road to Glory Season Mode
Featuring 24 seasons and over 300 nodes, “Road to Glory” is Rival Stars College Football’s
all new single player season mode. Players can forge an undefeated path through the season matches to qualify for bowl games and reap the rewards. Match prizes now include the chance to recruit four new, original athletes.
Friendly Games Alliance Matches
PikPok builds on its tournament modes by giving players the chance to compete in “Friendly Games” against members of their alliance. “Friendly Games” are available to be played at any time and have no cool-down.
This update also includes various bug fixes and performance enhancements to keep Rival Stars College Football as fun and enjoyable as possible. To experience these new features, update your Rival Stars College Football app through the App Store or Google Play.
You can download Rival Stars College football here for free.