The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has affected the gaming industry everywhere. The same goes for Electronic Arts and the FIFA series. The American publisher has confirmed in an email exchange with PC Gamer that FIFA 23 will not feature Russian clubs.
EA Confirms Russian Exclusion
In an email exchange with PC Gamer, Electronic Arts confirmed that Russian teams, leagues, and the national club wouldn’t be returning to FIFA 23. Earlier this year, EA removed Russian clubs and leagues days after the initial attack on Ukrainian soil.
EA Sports stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and, like so many voices across the world of football, calls for peace and an end to the invasion of Ukraine. In line with our partners at FIFA and UEFA, EA Sports will not include the Russian national team or Russian clubs in FIFA 23.
Electronic Arts have been firm on its stance against violence. Earlier this year, Electronic Arts removed Russian assets from FIFA 22. The American publisher continued to work with FIFA, UEFA, and EA Sports to remove Russian teams from all its platforms. So far, it is unclear if Electronic Arts plan to remove Russian from FIFA 23, but we will keep you updated. We like to remind everyone that our thoughts are with everyone impacted by these events during these difficult times.
Latest in FIFA 23 News
As the FIFA 23 news keeps rolling, Sports Gamers Online is the best place to keep up with all the footy action. If you haven’t checked out our FIFA 23 trailer breakdown, you can do so below.
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