WWE 2K22 DLC: Two Superstars Planned For Post Launch


When WWE 2K22 launches on March 11, many fans are already wondering what the game’s DLC is going to look like. We already know there will be five DLC packs in total post launch, but no one knows what wrestlers of the past or present will be a part of them.

Two superstars expected to be included in the paid DLC are The Boogeyman and Umaga. It’s unclear what DLC packs they’ll be a part of, but they are planned to be available post launch.

Umaga worked for WWE during two different stints from 2001-2003 and 2005-2009. During his first run, he was Jamal and a part of the Three Minute Warning duo with his cousin Rosey.  He later returned to the company as the “Samoan Bulldozer” Umaga, finding his most success within the organization. That even included a prominent spot on the WrestleMania 23 card against current WWE Champion Bobby Lashley.

The Boogeyman original showed up in WWE during the company’s 2004 Tough Enough compition after lying about his age. The company did ultimately bring him in as The Boogeyman from 2005-2009. Largely a lower- and mid-card gimmick, he gained a popular following that still gets over to this day. He recently renewed his WWE Legends contract, making his inclusion on the game not all too surprising.

There is another name floating around as a rumor this year in former Intercontinental and United States Champion Carlito, but SGO has yet to be able to confirm his inclusion.

WWE 2K22 launches March 11 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. Those who preorder the deluxe or NWO 4-life editions of the game will be able to play three days early starting March 8. Stick with SGO for more game coverage as the launch approaches.

Who else are you hoping to see in the WWE 2K22 DLC packs? Let us know in the comment section below and take the discussion further at the official SGO Discord server.

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