Kendrick Perkins’ Children Accumulate $16,000 Worth of Video Game Microtransactions

Perkins Microtransactions Fortnite

Amid the COVID-19 restrictions and quarantines, many have had to find other things to do to pass the time. For gamers, it seems a good a time as any to push through an ever growing backlog of games. Others have taken it to more of an extreme. This looked to be the case for Kendrick Perkins’ children as they accrued $16,000 worth of charges in Fortnite microtransactions.

Perkins’ children Accumulate $16,000 of Fortnite Charges

Perkins expressed games like Fortnite were common in the household, to which he did not appreciate. The recent incident only exasperated the feeling further.

Perkins mentions disputing the charge, but moving forward, he made it known he wants nothing to do with the game. He also went as far to denounce the business practice of microtransactions that allow games to incur $16,000 worth charges. An argument very few will likely disagree with, especially given that average AAA titles go for $59.99 at full price.

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