PlayStation 5 Rumored to Offer Two Versions Based on Performance and Price

PlayStation 5 PS5

Rumors have surfaced saying the Playstation 5 will feature two versions at launch. Sound familiar?

If rumors are true, Sony will be taking a page from the Microsoft playbook. In the event they do offer two versions of the PS5, this means gamers would have the choice of a cheaper lower end model. This would be similar to current plans for the Xbox Series X line of consoles.

PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X

The rumors were provided by VFXVeteran over at NeoGAF. Of course, nothing is concrete. According to rumors, the cheaper base model offers 9 teraflops of computing speed. This places it just 3 teraflops under the higher end Xbox One X. Given the comparison, that would make the higher end PS5 likely to be the fastest of the bunch. Again, these are just rumors.

While neither has confirmed release dates, it is important to note both Sony and Microsoft are rumored to be releasing both versions at launch. Such a launch window makes the introduction of mid-generation refreshes highly unlikely and gamers could experience a lengthy generation this time around. One thing is for sure, the next consoles will need to win in the price point column or at least offer enough to justify the expected heavy price tags come holiday season.

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