4. James Jones (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Release Timing: Quick
Shooting Form: Release 91
Shot Base: Jump Shot 20
Shot Time: 00:15
Jones is a super spot up shooter, that if you dribble even once and shot you’re not able to fully capitalize off his quick release because his off the dribble ratings are so shitty your guaranteed to miss, but when he’s on the floor you must know where he is. He has a Gold Corner Specialist Badge and one of his hot zones is from the corner so that’s where you want to park him for him to be nearly automatic.
3. Nick Young (Los Angeles Lakers)
Release Timing: Quick
Shooting Form: Release 110
Shot Base: Jump Shot 26
Shot Time: 00:15
Swaggy P has one of the fastest release’s on the list, coupled with a very simple to notice release point in his shot, so it’s easy to get green a lot of the time while being able to get the shot up in an instant and being he’s probably the 2nd best overall shooter on the list, with 3 3point hot zones and 2 being from the corners, Nick Young is a straight up cheat in 2k……. on offense anyway.
2. J.R. Smith (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Release Timing: Quick
Shooting Form: Release 27
Shot Base: Jump Shot 49
Shot Time: 00:15
J.R. Smith has been a 2K legend as far back as I can remember and while his dunking ability has faded the other part that made him so deadly, his jumper has only gotten better, leading to in 2k17 having a mid 80’s open 3pt rating, a Gold Corner Specialist, deep range dead eye and limitless range badge, and also a silver catch and shoot badge. While being tied for the 2nd most hot zones from 3 point land in 2K with 4, thus allowing the 37 percent career 3 pt shooter to transform into Reggie Miller in his prime.
1. Klay Thompson (Golden State Warriors)
Release Timing: Quick
Shooting Form: K. Thompson
Shot Base: K. Thompson
Shot Time: 00:17
I mean what’s not to love about Klay Thompson’s release? His elbow is at a 90-degree angle, which allows the ball to not be hidden at first, like on a lot of releases, which obviously helps in timing his set point properly and to top it off, Klay is kind of good at shooting that basketball.
Look, he has a Gold catch and shoot badge, gold deep range deadeye, gold limitless range, bronze corner specialist and bronze mid-range dead eye, in addition to 3 hot zones from 3 and 1 that’s not under the hoop for 2. So basically, if he’s open you might as well start jogging back down the other end. So, it makes sense why Klay Thompson sits atop Sports Gamers Online Top 10 Players with the best Shot Releases List.
So alright people, do you agree with the list? If not, who has been money for you that that you think should have made it instead ? Let us know in the comments down below.