We bring you the best FREE Madden 15 Tips on the web. Check back daily for new tutorials, tips & tactics.
1. Study the roster of each team.
Not only does this help you pick your own team it gives you an idea of the players to watch out for on other teams, as well as any sleepers that might not be on anyones radar.
2. Practice.
Run through the skills trainer to get a good handled on any new features. Then hit the practice field for some “lab time”, take two controllers and run various plays on Offense and Defense. Once you have a good idea of what works, and what doesn’t, you can better choose your playbook.
3. Checkout the playbooks.
Just because you plan to have a custom playbook doesn’t mean that having a great base doesn’t matter. There are certain plays/set found ONLY in specific playbooks…find them!
4. Choose a team!
Or two…or three. After finding a playbook you like find a few teams that work best with it.
5. Hop online!
Find a buddy or online match/league to test our your new found scheme. You’ll find things that work great in live action and some that don’t work so well. After you figure that out, it’s back to the drawing board all over again.