Madden NFL 21 Franchise Update Deep Dive

Madden 21 Gridiron notes

It’s been a long and winding road for Madden NFL 21. EA had a rough start pre-launch, which spawned the #FixMaddenFranchise hashtag. A perceived lack of interest in the game’s franchise mode led Madden NFL 21 to receive one of the lowest Metacritic scores in history. For what it’s worth, EA has been trying to regain that good will. Since Madden 21’s launch, EA has been more transparent around more focused changes to franchise mode. Today’s Gridiron Notes covers what EA is calling the final Franchise update coming to Madden NFL 21. The update takes a deep dive into changes coming to trade logic and play value improvements. It also adds league history to franchises.

You can check out the full notes below.

Gridiron Notes: Madden NFL 21 Franchise Update Deep Dive

League History

DEV NOTE: For an existing Madden NFL 21 franchise, this will ONLY have data for the current season and beyond. If you are in year four of your Franchise, the previous years will not have data. For new franchises (made after this update) every year of your league will be tracked. We wanted to make sure to get this feature in as we have plans to build on it in the future.

Trade Logic & Player Value Improvements

In many cases, we took top reported community issues with trade value as direct inspiration to design and implement ways to address those concerns in a way that gives tangible changes for Madden NFL 21 and serves as a foundational piece for our tuning in the future. We can and will be better adapting our core systems to better reflect a more realistic player movement experience in the future.

When it comes to building your roster, our new tuning is also a shift towards a “reciprocation” approach for highly valued players closer to what we’ve seen based on changing perceptions of “realistic” trades over the years with major names changing teams more frequently.

At the core, this means that for users trading FOR a star, it will cost a package of either high value players, picks, or both…and for the other way, trading AWAY a player.

The price to obtain a star or high overall (OVR) player should, can, and in most cases will be steep but rooted against more authentic trade packages. We also wanted to provide more direct power to users who are willing to move high-value players from their own roster to get more in return that wasn’t previously possible.

Our goal is to have things still make sense in the logic. Even if a trade is offered or accepted that is inherently not in the best interest of the team to make, while making it cost-prohibitive at times to do… a difficult balance without directly blocking users from acquiring who they want.

Here’s an overview on some of the more impactful areas found and addressed in more detail:

Additional updates were also made to:

This logic also impacts what positions teams look to trim roster cuts on in Preseason. New values are aligned and intended to leave teams with a more appropriate number of players at each position per authentic expectations. We have seen cases where this can resolve issues where 4-3 CPU defenses would be left with only three DTs on the roster, most teams carry four DTs in real life, but exact results will vary on team quality during cuts and remain dynamic.

Draft Pick values

Team Philosophy Value Differences

 Player Value Modifiers

DEV NOTE: This is where we get to subjective water-cooler trade talks like “You see what that team just offered for <PLAYER>? Seemed like a steal. What would you give up?”

“I’d probably give up a 2nd round pick.”

“Whoa! A 2nd rounder? For that guy? He would EASILY get a 1st round pick. He’s so GOOD!”

“Yeah, but they could retire in a year. He’s worth a 1st round pick to his team, easily, but for anyone getting them, they’re not getting him for very long.”

QB-Specific Value Improvements

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