MLB The Show 18 Previews Updated Retro Mode

MLB The Show 18 released a new video yesterday to showcase an updated Retro Mode that hopes to build off its initial implementation last year.

The feature, which was introduced as a throwback to old baseball video games like Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (who was the game’s cover star last year), continues to offer a simplified game-play experience that serves as both a gateway into the game for neophytes and a heavy dose of nostalgia for those that grew up on Super NES.

While the video doesn’t exactly go into too many concrete details on exactly what has been added or changed to differentiate the mode from last year’s version, it promises to at least have the same easy 2-button control scheme to make it easy for newcomers to pick up and play. The old-school presentation and mechanics allow you to put to use those skills you acquired by playing RBI Baseball that have most likely been going to waste all these years, complete with the ability to slide your pitcher or hitter around the mound or batter’s box before a pitch.

If the video is perhaps short on specific upgrades, at least it does offer one moment that is sure to have baseball fans talking. At the 0:47 mark, we get our first glimpse of Japanese phenom Shohei Otani, who is set to make his major league debut for the Los Angeles Angels this year. Though the multi-talented Otani is also a force to be reckoned with at the plate, he is briefly seen here on the mound facing Ken Griffey Jr. in a battle of two young stars that crosses generations.

Have a look at the official video from MLB The Show 18 below.

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