Need For Speed Update Adds SpeedLists and Prestige Mode

Need For Speed Update (4-27-16)

A new Need For Speed update dropped today and it’s a hefty one.

The two big ones are SpeedLists and Prestige Mode.

SpeedLists are a series of five pre-selected events that users race in against other human opponents. Users can access the lists from the main menu with four different styles; Quick Play, Speed, Style or Mixed.

Speedpoints are given to racers based on their finish. The winners with the most Speedpoints are shown in a winning cinematic.

Prestige Mode takes events from story mode and puts them in Hard Mode. The mode collects tougher versions of the Speed, Style, Build, Crew and Outlaw events.

Also added were Activities in the Drift or Speed events. These new events are collectible.

Finally, there are over 150 new Daily Challenges with decals to collect. These new decals were only available if a player had previously beaten all three daily challenges.

There were several smaller smaller updates which you can see below:

What do you think about the update? Let us know in the comments.

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