FIFA 17 Title Update 4 fixes a number of issues

Title Update 4 has arrived for FIFA 17 on PC, which fixes a large number of problems. TU4 is due for the PS4 and Xbox One, but no date has been given for those platforms yet.

Update: Title Update 4 is now out for console.

The new patch fixes the following:

Addressed the following in FIFA Ultimate team:


Addressed the following in Career Mode:

Visual / Presentation changes:

Addressed the following in gameplay:

Those are the full patch notes stated on the FIFA 17 forums. I certainly welcome a few of these changes with open arms.

Not being able to set custom players positions in team management during gameplay in Ultimate team is a good change. No longer can players now stick 8 at the back via custom positions.

I always did find it strange that the main menu ultimate team tactics are simplified, yet in team management during gameplay when pressing pause, still allowed you to fully customize your team’s tactics despite it being in Ultimate team.

It almost contradicts the game design of Ultimate Team. Why have restricted customization on your team management on Ultimate Team, only to be able to remove those restrictions by going into team management during gameplay?

Another good addition is a slightly more detailed connection bar before matches. Now it shows a connection rating out of 5, rather than 3 giving you a bit more indication how the connection will be before committing to the match.

I can’t tell you how many times I have gone into a game with a 3/3 bar green connection before, only to find that the game is laggy once I am in the game.

(Screenshot from Reddit user FlasSh)

Lastly, a fix that I originally thought was due to lag or input delay rather than a bug is the game passing when you didn’t press anything. I think we have all had a moment of rage when a player passes when you didn’t want him to. Or maybe that’s just me.

Regardless, I am happy with that change, because I didn’t think a small patch would fix that. Although I am yet to try it, and I am sure some sort of lag will still cause my player to do something stupid again sooner or later.

I will have to wait until it hits consoles. At the moment, TU4 is live for PC. No date has been given for the consoles but I would imagine it is coming very soon.


Update: TU4 is live for all platforms.

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