Football Manager 24 Brings New Ways to Play and Match Authenticity

Over the last couple of weeks, Sports Interactive has shown off some of the new additions fans can expect in Football Manager 24. This year, FM24 will give players more ways to customize tactics and enhance positional play. In addition, SI has enhanced match authenticity to make actions on the pitch look more realistic.

Football Manager 24: New Ways to Play

In this year’s game, Sports Interactive has taken inspiration from Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola. Pep’s style of play has been admired for over a decade, and his inverted full-back and wing style is replicated in Football Manager 24.

In a recent deep dive into FM24, the developers talked about inverted full-backs and how they will influence the game. Inverted full-backs are wide-defensive players who have the freedom and ability to switch into the midfield and influence the attack.

Adding inverted styles into the game allows players to experiment with different tactics and achieve greater outcomes.

Match Authenticity

Every year, Sports Interactive finds new ways to make football matches look more realistic in Football Manager.

However, thanks to SI’s newest data partner, Football Manager 24 has been injected with loads of new animations. The game will also introduce Match Motion, which identifies realistic actions for each position. This means that midfielders will jockey in position and constantly scan the field like in real matches.

“Motion Matching, in combination with Inverse Kinematics, will bring a lot more fluidity to player movements. You’ll notice these animation changes most with off-the-ball actions like running, pointing, and defensive jockeying.”

Ball Movement

In addition to Match Motion technology, SI has improved ball physics and behavior. In Football Manager 24, passes, volleys, and strikes will have a more realistic effect on the ball, producing more amazing goals.

For more on what’s coming to Sports Interactive’s new football game, check out the full notes here.

Football Manager 24 is out on November 6 and is available for the Xbox and PlayStation consoles, PC, Switch, and mobile.

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