Website Update
- Site updated to the latest version which brought an improved design and technical improvements.
- Working with daddyleagues for Madden 16…will have more details coming out this later
- SGO Shop in development on the website, going to have the custom SGO shirts we all had at E3 plus some other really nice designs that we have come up with.
- Madden leagues are ramping up on the site: NSFL is already full, ASFL and a few of the other leagues are filling up quickly as well so head over to our forums.
Youtube Channel
- Collaborations with other channels like Ingraven, Aaerios, and of course our guys like TD Barrett and the UberYoutuber.
- Interview with Super Mega Baseball developers about Super Mega Baseball Extra Innings coming to the Xbox One.
- Gaming head to with Pysonix the rocket league developers is coming soon, going to have some rocket league tips on the site and channel as well so stay tuned for that!
- Sent EA our fan questions about madden but have gotten a response as of yet…I think they are mad at us maybe idk. EA PR if you hear this please get back with us. We Will probably do another M16 comments Q & A soon.
- Guest star with MIKE KNOXXX on Fox Sports Radio 1340am as their “Madden guru” for a new madden segment they are adding to the show.
Plenty of exciting things so much sure you guys visit the site, sub to our channel and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.