Axis Football 20 is making a push to improve the franchise experience for its gamers. They released a video Sunday revealing an all-new in-depth draft portion to the games’ franchise mode.
To see the full video of the draft announcement, check out the video below to see the new-look draft.
Pre-Draft Features in Axis Football
One of the new designs to the game was the remodeling of the franchise dashboard. It shows a summary of the past season as well as showing which teams got promoted or demoted from the three tiers. The dashboard also shows who won the championship in each tier, player awards, and retired players.
Prior to joining the draft, players can check out four different tabs. Players can look through the player pool which has a new sorting system showing which draft players have the highest ratings in each category. Team Guide shows the player’s area of needs and shows potential rookie replacements from the team’s starters.
The team summary tab shows the draft picks the players own and which players were drafted to the team. Draft summary gives a full summary of all draft picks and who was picked in each round. They also include each player’s overall rating.
Live Drafting
Axis Football 20’s new draft day dashboard gives players some customization on the speed of the draft. Players can either change the speed of each individual draft pick or go straight to the player’s pick. Areas of need and key team stats are shown on each team when they are drafting. Players can see who is currently drafted as well as who is the next two teams picking afterwards.
Once the player is drafted, their overall ratings are shown. Each player will be different and can show whether they are a good pick or a bust. Every team does their own scouting and can determine which players in the draft are the best fit for their teams. In the team guide, potential draft replacements are updated as players are drafted to the next best player available.
All four tabs including player pool, team guide, team summary, and draft summary are available to see during the draft at all times.
Axis Football 20 is expected to be released in September on Steam and Xbox One.
So sports gamers, what do you think of the new draft features? Let us know in the comment section below, and stick with Sports Gamers Online for more.