It’s always great when the devs listen to the community. It also doesn’t hurt when they show transparency towards the users showing what they are working on and how the game works. This is the case for Axis Football 17, whose devs already explained different things in a previous interview.
The Charlotte-based studio has recently released the 4th video dedicated to the 2017 title. In this video, the talk is about the game’s physics and the team’s identity.
The first aspect the devs wanted to work on is the visual part of the physics. Last year’s game had many visual glitches, like body parts going through the ground, and the likes. Limb by limb collisions have been implemented to prevented that, instead of a cylinder-based collision creator. Inverse kinematic is implemented too, in order to give more realistic physics to the extremities of the players’ bodies.
Axis Football 2017 Dev Video #4 is now live! Take a look at our new physics system & team uniforms for all 32 teams!
— Axis Football (@AxisFootball) April 21, 2017
The new physics engine works very well, even if it’s still a work in progress, and it is well depicted in the released video.
In the video also the new teams’ identities are shown. The devs already showed off the uniforms editor, but the devs explained some of the decisions taken about the teams, mostly related to the will not to have a knockoff NFL simulation, but a true identity with more realistic teams. As per the previous video, pretty much everything teams-related is customizable. The game will feature teams like the Cincinnati Royals, the Cleveland Coyotes, and more names and uniforms are unveiled in the video.
The devs have also announced that the game may become available for beta-testing on Steam in about a month, as soon as they will have fixed some physics-related glitches.
Axis Football 2017 will be released this summer on Steam. The game is available for pre-order starting at $19.99 with beta access.