San Diego Studio (SDS) released a minor patch for MLB The Show 20 early this morning. Patch 1.15 contains a few gameplay fixes that will impact Diamond Dynasty as well as offline modes. MLB The Show 20 is available everywhere now, exclusively for PlayStation 4. Here is everything you need to know about the latest update for The Show 20.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Swing Feedback Analysis to temporarily display as Perfect/Perfect on a poorly timed swing that usually resulted in a foul ball.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the Catcher throwing meter from appearing in a timely manner.
- Fixed several community reported crashes.
Update 1.15 is set to deploy at 3 AM PT on Tuesday 7/14/2020.
You can read more about MLB The Show 20 Patch 1.15 here.
Have you played MLB The Show 20 since Patch 1.15? What other issues does SDS need to fix? Let us know in the comment section below, and don’t forget to subscribe to SGO.
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