Besides a small teaser trailer during Gamescom 2023, EA Sports has been tight-lipped about its upcoming UFC 5 title. However, while everyone is waiting for the official reveal trailer, details of EA’s fighting game have started to surface.
EA Sports UFC 5 Details
On Tuesday, Gaming Insider’s Mike Straw received some exciting details about UFC 5. According to sources, UFC 5 will be released on October 27 and will be available for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Unfortunately, there will not be a PC version of the game.
Rating change
As fans started signing up for UFC 5‘s closed beta, they noticed a change in the rating for the game. Instead of a Teen rating, the game has moved to the Mature rating.
According to Straw’s sources, the rating change allowed developers to add “more realistic aspects of damage.” In addition, the game will feature blood pooling in the Octagon. While these features seem small, they all play a part in making UFC 5 a rated M game.
Switching Gears
One of the significant changes coming to this year’s UFC title is the game’s change from the Ignite Engine to Frostbite. It’s surprising that EA Sports hasn’t made this change sooner, as most of the company’s games are now developed in Frostbite.
In addition, sources told Insider Gaming that Frostbite will improve UFC‘s framerate, visuals, and lighting. However, the presentation will improve drastically with more attention to swelling, brushes, and cuts on fighters.
UFC 5 is hitting the Octagon on October 27 for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
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