Madden NFL Mobile Update
Following the January update, Lead Designer Danny Doeberling announces a new March Madden NFL Mobile update. While the previous update focused on Defensive Gameplans, this one looks to make additions to on the field playcalling.
On the Field Playcall
Players are now able to view play suggestions from on the field. As a result, its easier to avoid the dreaded counter by playcall frequency. Players can flip instantly between 3 play chosen based on the game situation. The idea is to hopefully help new players get a better idea of what the play will actually look like in reference to field positioning. There will be options to call plays via recent history and switch to full playbook view at anytime.
Inbox Updates
Now, from their inbox players can easily get through all their auction house messages with the touch of a button. Using “dismiss”, players can instantly claim all auction house winnings. This also will clear any postings from auctions that expired and didn’t sell. Furthermore, all other messages in the player inbox can be dismissed by groups and categories as well.
Defensive Gameplan Tuning
The design took a look back at some of the changes made back in the January update. Based on player feedback, the developers made tweaks to better balance some of those issues.
- Level 2 counters are more difficult for the Offense
- Game difficulty in league vs. league play will be increased for point scoring reasons
- For both player sides, there is increased the difficulty on all play type counters
- In addition, they have addressed the bug where frequency counters were not triggering critical counters
To get all details, catch the Madden Mobile Dev Deep Dive in full. Madden Mobile is available on iOS, Google Play and Windows Phone. Be sure to follow the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.