FIFA Street, a series that took the hugely popular soccer franchise, to the streets. Inspired from the other sports street franchise NBA Street, which proved to be very successful and also one of my personal favourite sports games back in the day. FIFA Street came along and took the foundations of NBA Street and wrapped the elements of FIFA into a 5 a side arena on the streets.
FIFA Street was widely different to any other soccer game out there, and a real change from the traditional 11 v 11 standard FIFA games. Just like NBA Street, the focus was on arcade-style fast-paced action. Taking the freestyle skills that the street culture has had for years, and applied it to a video game.
The FIFA Street games were fantastic during the PS2 era. I was a huge fan. Eventually we saw a reboot of the franchise last generation and the 4th game rebooted its name too as just “FIFA Street” as the title.
We haven’t seen a FIFA Street since 2012 so we are due a new entry in the series, surely? Well, Steve Elias posted a picture on Instagram of him at a motion capture booth at EA with the caption “Who wants to see a new FIFA Street game?” Now whether that’s just because he shares the same opinion that we are due a new FIFA Street game or he is actually teasing us information about a new game is unknown.
The picture is unclear on whether this is a picture of him in 2012 from his motion capture for the FIFA Street that launched in 2012, or this is a new picture of him at a motion capture for a new Street game again is unclear.
What we do know is, we do indeed want to see a new FIFA Street game.