Last month, Sony’s rumored PS5 Pro console’s specs were leaked. Sony’s new hardware specifications suggest a greater GPU and full ray tracing capabilities. However, according to a new report by The Verge, the MLB The Show publisher wants developers to prepare future games for its new console to enhance the overall experience.
Developers were told to prepare games for PS5 Pro
According to a new report by gaming website The Verge, the PS5 Pro (code named ‘Trinity’) will utilize ray tracing and have a GPU rendering speed “45 percent faster than standard PlayStation 5.”
In addition to the GPU, the CPU will receive a slight increase; with these changes, Sony aims to bring a higher resolution and better frame rates to its home console. The report also suggests that Sony told developers to prepare their future titles for the PS5 Pro. Developers that use ray tracing in their games will receive a “Trinity Enhanced” (PS5 Pro Enhanced) label if they “provide significant enhancements.”
The gaming publisher has yet to announce the PS5 Pro officially, but it’s sure to be a powerful mid-gen refresh for the PlayStation 5.
What does this mean for Sports Games?
Major triple-A sports game developers like EA Sports and 2K should use ray tracing practices to enhance player experience. Imagine EA Sports utilizing the full power of the PS5 Pro, enabling ray tracing on EAFC or Madden. The graphic fidelity of those games would be top-notch, and their overall performance would increase significantly.
For more on what Sony’s new console could do for sports games, you can check out our piece on the leaks here.
What do you think? Would you like to see the full power of the PS5 Pro utilized in sports games? Let us know in the comments below. Want to talk sports and/or games with the fastest-growing community in gaming? Join the conversation in our official Sports Gamers Online Discord, and check out our Twitter and Facebook pages as well as our growing YouTube Channel!
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