NBA 2K20 is redoing its badge and takeover system. There will be close to 80 badges in the game, with some exclusive to Neighborhood and Playground. Here are the confirmed new badges that have been added to NBA 2K20, along with badges that have been updated and ones that still remain in the game.
Most of 2K19’s badges are returning, but some have been re-worked to either be more balanced and useful for different build types, while others have been removed all together. The list will be constantly updated as more info on the badges are released.
- They Added new defensive badges
- Added Neighborhood-specific badges that enhance the physicality and flashy play of the Playground.
- Badges still have the same 4 levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Hall of Fame Badges
- Quick First Step Badge (improves first step quickness, increases the opportunity for blowbys, speed boosts, etc).
- Interceptor Badge is back (improves success rate of passing lane steals)
- Volume Shooter Badge is back but with better logic. (Boosts your ratings if you can maintain your FGAs/per minute, player won’t go cold because of lack of shots).
- Deep Fades Badge (improves success rate of post fades from further out)
- Giant Slayer Badge (smaller players can equip this badge and it will help them score at the rim among taller players)
- Clamps Badge (for perimeter LDD’s)
- Post Move Lockdown (for paint defenders)
- Slippery Off-ball Badge (gives you more success with the new off-ball juke moves. Also helps you get free from defenders who try to jam you up.)
- Deep Hooks Badge (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar badge)
- Space Creator Badge (more effective stepback jumpers)
- Rebound Chaser Badge (helps chase down long rebounds)
- Worm Badge (helps get around boxouts)
- Box Badge (makes it tougher for worms.)
- Handles For Days Badge (allows you to pull off a lot more dribble combos before getting fatigued)
- Fancy Footwork Badge (helps you get past defenders with advanced gathers on the floor).
Deadeye – Deep Range Deadeye and Mid Range Deadeye have been combined into one badge.
- Limitless Range Badge was changed to Range Extender Badge (boosts threes but also deep twos)
- Posterizer was changed to Contact Finisher Badge (will help dunkers posterize people, success rate of dunks, but also help smaller players who play below the rim finish with contact).
- Microwave Badge was redesigned and changed to Hot Start Badge. (If you have this badge and can knock down your first jumper, you get a boost to your shot ratings for a period of time. the more shots you can knock down w/o missing, the longer you keep your boosts.)
- Tireless Scorer was removed and its function broken up into 2 separate badges: Relentless Finisher and Tireless Shooter.
- Pick & Roll Maestro is gone and replaced by Needle Threader (does a similar thing but extends to other passing situations, not just limited to PnR situations).
- Chase Down Artist Badge
- Pick Dodger Badge
- Ankle Breaker Badge
- Dimer Badge
- Flashy Passer Badge
- Catch & Shoot Badge
- Difficult Shots Badge
- Free Throw Ace
- Charge Card
- Limitless Range
- Pick & Roll Maestro
- Tireless Scorer
- Microwave
- Deep Range Deadeye
- Mid Range Deadeye
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