Today we have one of the best passing plays in Madden NFL 17. The play is out of Shotgun Bunch Quads which is located in the Kansas City, Jaguars and the NY Jets playbooks. Take a look at our breakdown below and detailed video above!
1st Read: Y (Triangle on Ps4)
Versus man and most zone defenses the TE on the drag will either be open or pull coverage down opening things up for the slot WRs route behind him. You can also block or put him on a slant.
2nd X (Square on the PS4)
The option route beats man coverage and sits down in zone. You can put this WR on a streak to clear out the zones for the post or to through a seam pass to. If the defense leaves him open hit him quickly or move to the 3rd read.
3rd Read RB (R1 on PS4)
Against Man or zone the corner route will be open with the exception of a cover 2 cloud zone which you would then look to pass to the post route. This is one of the best corner routes in the game and cannot be covered by any other zone outside of a cover 2 cloud.
4th Read B (or Circle on PS4)
Versus Man or zone the deep post will be open especially if you streak the X (Square on the PS4) slot WR to clear out the area first.
Versus the Blitz
Hot Routes
Block the TE. This will give you more time versus the blitz.
Streak the X (Square on the PS4)
Read the X WR, corner route and then the post.
Be sure to checkout the video above for a more detailed breakdown of the play and subscribe to Sports Gamers Online for all your Madden NFL 17 needs.