The latest installment in the acclaimed Super Mega Baseball franchise is on its way as Metalhead Software has announced Super Mega Baseball 3 is launching this April.
Releasing for the Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam, Super Mega Baseball 3 will cost $44.99 and come with a number of new features like a brand new user interface, online improvements, new base stealing and pick-off mechanics, and an all-new franchise mode for players.
There will also be, as the case with the first two installments, a demo mode for players to try out the game. The demo will allow users to play an unlimited number of games in the competitive online Pennant Race mode.
Other features include:
- Challenge your hand-eye coordination or relax and hit dingers with fluid gameplay that scales seamlessly from novice to beyond-expert levels of difficulty.
- Apply and refine your baseball instincts with a sophisticated baseball simulation featuring new pick-off and base stealing mechanics, wild pitches/passed balls, designated hitters, and situational player traits.
- Take in the sights and sounds of 14 richly detailed ballparks, each featuring unique day, night and alternate lighting conditions.
- Guide an evolving team to greatness over multiple seasons in the all-new Franchise mode featuring player development, aging, retirement and signing/releasing of free agents.
- Compete online to win pennants and climb to higher divisions in the cross-platform Pennant Race mode.
- Create your ideal league with a comprehensive customization suite that includes season length/structure, team names/uniforms/logos, and player names/appearance/attributes.
- Play or simulate any combination of games/teams in customized Seasons and Elimination brackets, solo or with friends.
Super Mega Baseball 2 has been regarded as one of the best arcade baseball games of all-time, and fans are sure to expect more of the same from the third game.
For more on this year’s game, including a firm release date, stick with Sports Gamers Online.
CORRECTION: In the original article, we stated that a demo was set to be available for the first time in the series’ history though it has been offered for the first two titles. We have corrected that omission.