The MLB 15 The Show onslaught of awesome info continues with a blog post today detailing their Diamond Dynasty mode. Check out this new video blog they made from designer Lance Leahy above and some details from the blog below!
“With MLB 15 The Show, Diamond Dynasty is seeing radical changes. So many in fact that this year we’re calling it Diamond Dynasty Distilled. Why “Distilled?” A common definition calls the process the extracting “the essential meaning or most important aspects of,” which is precisely what we’ve aimed to do. It’s more intuitive, it’s easier to get into, and we hope you’ll find it more satisfying than ever.
Simply put: a lot of work has gone into improving online play in MLB 15 The Show. The overall experience will be more stable, more consistent, and feel better. As we stated last year when we revealed that we were tearing down and rebuilding the foundation of our netcode, it’s a process. We’re a full year into a major paradigm shift in terms of how we handle synchronization, how we’re hiding latency for the player, etc. We’re going to talk a lot more about what’s gone into it and what fans can expect, but for now we’d just like to assure you that online remains a focus and pillar for us, it’ll be better this year, and it’ll continue to get better.”