A new video from San Diego Studios’ Ramone Russell showed off some of the new gameplay from ‘Road to the Show’, and went over what’s new in the mode for MLB The Show 20.
First RTTS Gameplay for The Show 20
In a video on IGN’s YouTube channel, Russell went over new gameplay from what he called The Show’s “most popular game mode.” Russell said that he wanted to build off the off-the-field relationship mechanic from MLB The Show 19.
This year, Russell said that relationships that players build off-the-field will have an on-the-field effect. For instance, if a pitcher builds a strong relationship with his catcher, then your catcher will receive a boost as a result, as will your player. The key in RTTS, according to Russell, is that you want to be friends with everyone on the team. That way, your player can maximize the numbers of boosts that can be received.
Russell also showed off the new PCI that has three dots (or whatever look you want it to have), one for a “perfect-perfect” fly ball, one for a “perfect-perfect” ground ball, and one for a “perfect-perfect” line drive. The dots will be larger or smaller, depending on what type of hitter your player is. For example, if your player is a strong power hitter, the fly ball dot will be larger. This change, according to Russell, allows your players to perform at their best depending on their attributes.
Getting a “perfect-perfect”, according to Russell, is quite hard in MLB The Show. Russell estimated that based off of the date they received from the closed beta, 2% of all swings (out of about six million) were “perfect-perfect”, so don’t expect to mash balls consistently with the new PCI.
Other changes include “instant gratification” boost notifications, where a player can find out in real time when the receive an in-game boost, changes to when Dynamic Challenges come up so that they come up at the most important times in the game, the ability to receive personality gains from Dynamic Challenges, and boosted at-bats when your friends are on base.
You can check out the full video down below:
For more MLB The Show 20 news, be sure to keep checking out the SGO site.
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Still no story for rtts huh?