About a month ago, Maximum Football reached out to the football gaming community asking what they want to see in the next version of its game. On Wednesday, the company shared a video to YouTube in response to the recent survey. In the three minute video, Modus Games community manager Luke Croft goes over how the feedback aligns with Maximum Football‘s future goals. Check out everything he had to say below.
Maximum Football First Community Video
Maximum Football (formerly Doug Flutie’s Maximum Football) was purchased by Modus Games following Canuck Play’s April announcement that it would cease operations. Going forward, Modus’ main aim is to put the game in the player’s hands.
“There’s nothing [on the market right now] that really scratches that itch for simulation alongside great customization.”
One of the highlights of previous Maximum Football titles was the customization. According to Croft, the next version of the game will take that to the next level. Stating, “There’s going to be more options for team customization and player customization than ever before.”
Dynasty Mode
Another fan favorite feature of past iterations of Maximum Football was its dynasty mode. In the video, Croft confirms that dynasty mode is returning “with expanded features.”
One of the biggest complaints for Maximum Football fans and critics alike were the visuals. With the next game running on the Unreal Engine, Modus’ football sim should showcase “vastly improved” graphics. In addition, former pro football players will be used for motion capture in an effort to provide an additional layer of realism.
Of course, customization and depth are only two-thirds of what goes into a great football game. When it comes to gameplay, the Modus team is working with former college athletes, past Maximum Football team members, and even former Madden developers, to deliver improved on-field action. The publisher is also studying other simulation football games created over the past 20 years (including 2005) to create a game that is less animation-dependent and more physics-driven.
Stay tuned for more updates coming soon.
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