The slide step was only usable when doing a pitch out last year, but we all know that if you’ve played online then users could use that as a cue and they would simply go retreat back to the bag. The slide step is now finally introduced in MLB 15 The Show and it now allows users the ability to hold runners more closely, throw out more runners, and it can also be used to show a different arm angle.
To use the slide step simply just hold the R2 button down while pitching. It doesn’t matter which interface you are using either. This will be the easiest with classic and pulse pitching since you execute your interface before the pitch is actually delivered. It can take some time and practice with Pure Analog and Meter pitching, but it will be worth it.
Be sure to mix in some pitch outs and track your opponent’s tendencies. For example, some users will always go on first pitch and some may go on the 2nd or 3rd pitch. Be aware of your opponents’ tendencies and utilize the slide step, as well as the pitch out. They won’t be able to tell the difference and they will be thrown out the majority of the time.
I recommend using the slide step for the majority of the time when a decent runner is on 1st. It will show your opponent that you are paying attention to them and they make think twice before stealing. Sometimes the best way to combat base stealers is forcing them to stay on first!
Mix in some pick off attempts, stepping off the rubber, and just simply holding the ball to mix up your timing to the plate. Users may try to counteract the slide step with an early steal, so be sure to step off and throw over a few times. You can do a casual throw over by tapping circle twice, deceptive pick off with holding circle, and a quick pick off with tapping circle once. Users now have an array of tools in their arsenal so be sure and utilize them all!
The slide step can also be a way to show your opponent a different arm angle and it may freeze them. We are still in the honeymoon phase of MLB 15 The Show and many online users are not used to seeing pitches in the strike zone utilized with slide steps. This can be a “change up” to them. For pitchers with side arm or submarine deliveries the slide step will completely change their arm slot and can confuse your opponent as well. I recommend to use this strategy for a 3rd strike to get them looking!
Let me know how much success you’ve guys had with the slide step and be sure to try out the slide step if you have not yet. Look for more MLB 15 The Show Tips to come during the season!